Friday, July 19, 2013

Instead fence has an aquarium with fish and octopus

A businessman from Turkey paid good money to have an aquarium wall instead of at home.

Mehmet Ali Gokceoglu, a prosperous businessman in Turkey has been the most amazing fence in the world at his luxury villa in Cesme.
In eight years ago started his project. He replaced the metal fence surrounding the property with a 50-meter long aquarium. The aquarium is a functional and has many fish (bream, sea bass, mullet, eels) octopuses, and other species that are found in the sea near home. At first count, Mehmet has 1,000 creatures aquarium fence.
The house, located near the Aegean Sea, has become a popular attraction for tourists and locals.
 The easiest part of the project was the construction of the aquarium was difficult for the burial of 400 m long pipe to help change the water at all times. This extravagance cost him about $ 21,000.Now Mehmet has engaged people in charge of "hedges" which he completed successfully. It is constantly monitored by cameras.

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