Friday, July 19, 2013


Known also as Hungarian sheepdog, Komondoru has earned the reputation as ferocious guard dog and loyal protector. Still used for grazing in his native Hungary, Komondor has become a beloved pet in the United States.

History and Origin

Historical evidence of the existence Komondor's dates back hundreds of years, so it is considered a very old breed. In the ninth century, Komondor-II were brought to Hungary by nomadic tribes. Komondor-II were used in Hungary and shepherds to guard sheep, cattle and goats. They were famous for fighting with wolves, bears and people attacked their flocks. Satisfy their duties without supervision or supervised by masters. Komondor, she learned to adapt and survive harsh conditions independent of the herd.
At the time of the Second World War-II Komondor were used to guard military equipment. Many individuals have died on duty, race became rare after the war. Exported from Hungary become difficult during this period due to political and economic turmoil of life. Finally, in 1930, the Komondor made his entry on American soil.
Some farmers in the United States still use Komondor-ii for security and protection of livestock herds, but most specimens are today, beloved pets.

Appearance and Size

White coat with "cords"'s a Komondor is unique, often described as having dreadlock. Cords textured felt, having the appearance of a mop head. Like chicken, fluffy and curly-haired. Pigmented skin is gray.
Komondorii are robust and strong.
Height at the withers is 65 cm, and body weight is between 48-59 kg.


These dogs are very strong defender skills. They are intelligent, independent, determined and stubborn. They tend to be reserved with strangers, seeing family and herd u like to be protected. Komondorii are animals with a developed sense of territory and therefore should be carefully supervised when around guests.
Komondorii are loyal and affectionate with their families and require very little exercise. Can be noisy and are always vigilant predators.

Home and Family Relations

Komondorii dogs are tolerant of children and other animals only if they are considered members of the "flock".Introduction of new animals or children inside the home or on their area can be stressful until he accepts the Komondor family.
These dogs can not be forced to like someone new, they will decide whether he accepts or not. This dog breed can be a very sociable just ideal for people who have frequent visitors.


Komondor puppies have been well socialized since childhood. They are constantly educated life. Consistent correction is crucial. These dogs learn quickly, but, instinctively, tend to be independent and to act at will.

Particular aspects

The coat, the "fringe" or cords, requiring constant attention to prevent tangling it.

Diseases and current conditions

Torsion (dilation) stomach is the sudden life-threatening dog associated filling its stomach with air and torsion. Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint that results in pain, lameness and arthritis consecutively.

Entropion is a problem with the eyelid that causes inward rolling of the edge off them. Genes from the edge of the eyelid irritate the surface of the eyeball and may lead to more serious problems. Average life's a Komondor is about 12 years.

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