Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dog » Dog Food »Dog and Chocolate Poisoning

Chocolate dog poisoning is not as unusual as you might think. In fact, chocolate is the 3rd leading cause of poisoning in dogs. It is caused by Theobromine contained in chocolate that affects the central nervous system of your dog and heart muscles.
Because theobromine is extremely dangerous to the health of your dog, you should not give him chocolate - no matter how much you ask and no matter how nice they look at you with those little eyes adorable puppy! However, accidents do happen and if you suspect your pet has eaten chocolate should contact your veterinarian for advice. In addition, if you suspect your pet has eaten a lot of chocolate (for its size) take him to the vet immediately!

When chocolate is "too much"?

What is too much chocolate? And how much chocolate is lethal? Any chocolate is too much, but lethal dose of theobromine depends on your dog's size and age, and the amount and type of chocolate he ingested it.
For example, a small dog is more likely to poison a small amount of theobromine contained in two tablets of dark chocolate than a big dog and an older dog that is in an excellent state of health is prone to poisoning than one young and healthy.
In addition, the amount of theobromine on your dog to digest it depends on the type of chocolate who ingested it. For example, baking chocolate contains 6 times more theobromine than milk chocolate .However, a large dog, like a Dogo Argentino Dog or German, can eat a lot of chocolate before they become dangerous, but even small amounts can cause digestive problems in larger breeds. You must take into consideration the dog's overall health before you risk your life.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning

At first, the symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea and hyperactivity, but over time more serious symptoms can occur. Your dog's heart rate would increase and could cause arrhythmia, muscle spasm may occur and excessive panting. Other complications due to chocolate poisoning include hyperthermia, excessive urination, seizures, coma and even death.


If you suspect your pet has made ​​chocolate poisoning , you should take him to the vet immediately. Do not waste valuable time trying to cure (this type of poisoning is much too serious). Treatment varies depending on the severity of the poisoning. Your veterinarian can help your dog by inducing vomiting, or stabilize heart rhythm and breathing, controlling seizures and slowing the absorption of theobromine.Also, if your pet is already in coma, needs stomach pumped.

Protecting Your Dog

How can you protect your dog chocolate poisoning and how you can wean these sweet temptation?Firstly do not feed your dog chocolate ! Even a small piece.
Second, be careful not to let these sweets in places where your dog can reach. This is important in holiday periods when many of us tend to put chocolate dishes and meals for guests.
Lastly, if you have many guests during the holidays, informs him that not allowed to give your dog chocolate. Most people, especially those who have pets, you certainly have not heard about chocolate poisoning!

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