Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Accessories for cats: the sandbox!

Problems crate sand are first among the reasons why owners give their cats because these animals are usually fussy about the toilet in their habits. It is essential to keep in mind when the cat's natural instincts provide for proper toilet area.
Cats tend to prefer certain areas and locations where they defecate. Studies show that most cats prefer sandy texture of the materials that make bulgarasi - but not recommended for kittens that are younger than 4 months.
Cats have a highly developed sense of touch paws feet. I am very sensitive to the texture of sand. They also have a highly developed sense of smell, that could not reject sand kept scrupulously clean or not perfumed.

What you should know about crate with sand?

It is common for cats to begin eliminating outside sand boxes you have a medical problem. For example, a urinary tract infection or the presence of crystals in the urine may lead to a very painful urination. Cats often associate this pain with sand crate and begin to avoid. If your cat has problems with sand in the house, ask your veterinarian before order to eliminate any medical causes that might cause her behavior.
Cats prefer to urinate and defecate in different areas. Consequently, you should have at home a crate of sand for each cat plus one more. Otherwise it will use a crate that has already been used by another cat. Placing laditelor in different areas can prevent problems by avoiding locations.
Laditele Place sand in quiet places, withdrawn, which are easily accessible and the cat will not be disturbed by children or other animals. Noisy areas near washing machines, ovens or under the stairs can scare the cat removing her crate. A multistory house should have a crate on each floor.
When you put a crate sand that your cats use it, do not change anything: no sand, no location, no crate.Cats are animals of habit and do not like change.
The most common reason for a cat crate stop using sand is that the crate is dirty. Remove dirt with a shovel at least once a day and completely change the sand every 4-5 days. If you use sand can be removed with a shovel, you might not need to change it frequently. It depends on how many cats are in the house, how many boxes of sand and how much the cats using crate or laditele. A good hint is that if you can smell the boxes, you can be sure it is as disturbing and your cat.
After you have washed the cat crate , dry it in the sun if you can. Sunlight kills germs and fresh air boxes will give a fresh scent without adding fragrances, which most cats hate.
When you bring another cat in the house, keep her locked in a room in which he put a crate, bedding, food and water until the cat crate used a few times with sand and show their interest in exploring the rest of the house . When you decide where to put laditele sand in your home, do not move!
Daca tocmai te-ai mutat sau ai adus animale sau oameni noi in casa ta, pisica va fi stresata. Poate incepe sa urineze sau sa defece in afara laditei cu nisip pentru a-si marca teritoriul. Unele pisici pazesc ladita cu nisip.
Take care to notice if your cat is not happy with her ​​crate, or may choose a different location in the house, in her liking. Choose a crate that is appealing to her. Most cats prefer sandy texture layers.Make sure you choose a type of sand aggregate in Bulgarian firm, making their removal easier and cleaner. As a precaution in case the cat chickens that could tend to swallow sand, use a type of sand that is not Bulgarians until the kittens are 4 months.

Remove any new or threatening smell near Caskets

If you catch your cat while trying to defecate in the house, do something to interrupt such a noise that would make her flinch, but do not scare her. Take her immediately where the crate and put it on the floor.
Do not punish the cat never has done needs outside boxes. This occurs when the crate, content or location they are uncomfortable for the cat or if it's stressful environment. Punishment will only intensify the stress state of the cat. Cats do not cease to use laditele because they are upset or angry and want revenge on something that has "offended" or "angry". Animals do not understand punishment inflicted after eating out, even if applied to a few seconds after. Punishment will do more harm than good.
Diseases such as diarrhea or urinary tract diseases can cats to defecate outside the boxes. Both bowel disease and the urinary tract are cats feel they have to defecate frequently. I can not resist until they reach the crate.
Cats often react to any sudden stress through urination or defecation outside sand boxes. Stress can be caused by a new cat in the neighborhood, coming home to children on vacation, too many cats in the house you left on vacation or a new piece of furniture. Urinary tract problems can also cause cats to urinate in places other than the crate. Any sudden change in habits to make their needs should be discussed with your veterinarian.
Do not put sand crate near food. Do not put it so far away from the areas favorite cat to refuse to go to the crate. Make sure your cat has her quiet area.
Never use scented sand. Fragrant odors, chemical removes cats. When crate wash, use hot water and dishwashing liquid detergent less aggressive. Do not use aggressive chemicals that will leave a lingering smell.
Do not use liners for boxes, can be irritating to some cats . Also covered are disturbing for the cat laditele because it allows it to run while making his needs. They also keep the smell inside, creating a "latrine effect." Boxes must be discovered and its size should be at least 55x45 cm for an adult cat.
Help your cat to feel comfortable in their territory. Play with them, rub them, talk to them frequently. Show them positive attention and loving. A confident cat who feels safe, happy and relaxed does not need to eliminate anxiety and stress through such extreme measures as marking the urine and faeces.

Advice for cat owners

Pregnant women and people with weak immune systems should not touch the cat's crate. In addition, there is no reason they should avoid cats.
People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to the saliva or a protein that is found in exfoliated skin particles produced by skin pisicii.Daca cat is regular bathing, people with allergies can easily tolerate.
If your cat has a habit of rolling and sitting belly up, you can be sure he feels perfectly safe with you. It is also a way to show you he likes your company.
There never stroked a cat on the belly, near the hind legs. Cats have a reflex to hit the legs, which will make you hit and get scratched.
Put aluminum foil on the kitchen table or any place where you do not want the cat to walk. Cats do not like to walk on the foil and your cats will soon learn that such places are forbidden.
If your cat likes to break your plants, try to cultivate potted cat grass. Seed mixtures for special cats are available at many pet nagazinele. Your cat might appreciate a small snack consisting of shredded lettuce.
A cat has taken to get in a car for transport, such as a cage. If you let her walk free in the car, can be dangerous for you and for her.

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