Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How does pet health of owners?

Efforts care that pet owners do for their dumb creatures they are rewarded because they can positively influence the health of people, sometimes in totally unexpected. Pets can lower your risk of heart disease, stress and sometimes controls the "smell" some serious diseases. In fact, the more you are attached to your pet, the more positive his influence on your health is greater.

specialists on
 shows the positive effects they have six pet owners on health: 1. Dogs research shows that their presence helps owners to have normal blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. Moreover, dog owners live longer after suffering a heart attack and do more exercise than people who do not have a exemplary. "Dogs have a remarkable effect in terms of happiness and longevity" , says Dr. Marty Becker, author of The Healing Power of Pets . "touch of a dog is similar to a spa treatment. After only a minute or two body releases chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin " , says the specialist. To this is added the outstanding of dogs to detect cancer and predict epileptic episodes. only ones who can enjoy these benefits are those who are allergic to dog hair. If you have such a problem, but you want a copy canine experts recommend choosing a pet with short hair who does your hair falls out a lot. 2. Cats "They can help their owners to release stress as much as dogs, only studies in this regard are less than those that show benefits from raising a dog" , says Alan Beck, director The Center for Human-Animal Bond at Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. However, several studies show beneficial effects on the health of these animals their owners. One of them suggests that both dogs and cats can help destresarea owners. Moreover, another study conducted at the University of Minnesota has shown that people who have cats are subject to a 40% higher risk of dying from a heart attack compared to people who have such a cat. Though cat dander allergies are more common than the hair of the dog, Dr. Alan Beck says that if child is preferable to be allowed to play with kittens because most children who develop allergies they have never had contact with these animals. 3. Fish An aquarium is the best alternative if you are stressed or allergic to cat or dog hair and you can not get a pet with fur. "When you look at the fish in the aquarium is that when listening to music," says Dr. Becker . Many studies have shown that spending time in nature frees people from stress and helps improve health and an aquarium with fish is something very similar to it. "An aquarium is a small ecosystem that you bring him home" , adds Dr. Becker. If a patient is preparing for a dentist intervention concerns an aquarium for 20 minutes, it is less stressful surgery, the effect being similar to that of hypnosis, another study shows. 4. Birds 'Friends of people for many years, only now the birds have been recognized for the benefits that they have effects on human health " , said Dr. Gregg Takashima. Similar to fish, these creatures bring nature into your home with relaxing effect and even energizing on you. It is not necessary to buy a cage and keep them in the house, say experts. If you look in the yard, the health effect is the same.Also, try a DVD version: it was shown that if a man looks stressed birds image, his first fish, he lowers blood pressure. 5. Horses This list would not be complete without them, experts say. "Gaining control of a horse, an animal that is bigger than you, it's like you have control problems in life" , says Dr. Becker. Therefore, these animals are used in many programs and therapies that help many categories: abused women, people with disabilities or who have eating disorders. "riding greatly assist immobilized in a wheelchair, giving them the feeling of freedom, " says Dr. Takashima. 6. HamstersThey, like the other "pocket pets" such as guinea pigs, nadejne are friends of man. It alsocan help children experience the idea of responsibility and appreciation for life or death. Yet, American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend raising these animals people who have children younger than 5 years because hamsters are carriers of salmonella and I can ill the little ones. zootherapy and health benefits animals in the above list, and others (eg, rabbits, dolphins, donkeys or cows) are used by specialists in therapeutic, action that is called zootherapy. This is a care program that a therapist uses in order to maintain or improve psychological problems, emotional or social that they have certain categories of patients. thus some help pet recovery of children with various disabilities, is beneficial elders who have pierdt while certain skills, help people under stress to overcome difficult moments of their lives and the list goes on. zootherapy is used in hospitals, homes for the elderly, centers for children with disabilities and so ontherapies that have been Dolphins use, for example, have helped autistic children to develop concentration and memory. Also zootherapy to Doven useful for patients hospitalized because makes them more responsive to drug therapy and to overcome fear and pain. What animals do not grow in the house? specialists are warning that it is not appropriate some animals to be kept in the house because it is a health hazard to people.Among these are:

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