Gender and species: Betta splendens
Siamese Fighting Fish is known for his aggressiveness towards other males. But when you have to guard their eggs, is very caring.

Did you know that :
- The male offspring diligent care of the female but does not handle all of them. If the male does not collect goes fast enough eggs in the nest, the female sometimes they consume. After mating the male female ward.
- Fish-fighters with longer fins are more easily injured than their relatives specially selected, which have shorter fins. During the fight the fish with fins and longer at a disadvantage because they have limited movement.
Body size
Length: males in the wild can reach even 60 mm.
The eggs are deposited in small, transparent-looking foam organized piles.
Duration of development: 24-30 hours.
Behavior: solitary, territorial.
Food: small larvae of insects, especially mosquitoes, and crayfish and other aquatic creatures small.
Related Species
Pisces-fighters are part of the richest order of fishes, Perciformes . The seven species of fish-fighters are closely related to other representatives of the family Belontiidae .
Pisces-freedom fighters are scattered in Southeast Asia, from Thailand by Borneo. As ornamental fish are spread throughout the world.
Protection of species
Ornamental fish, flamboyant are bred selectively. Populations of liberty are threatened because they are caught only in small quantities for aquarium owners.
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