Bengali is a domestic cat that shows physical qualities similar species Felis bengalensis or "leopard cat". Although it has an appearance para wild Bengal has the temperament of a domestic cat.
Bengali is a breed hybrid of the domestic cat . This resulted from crosses between a cat domestica with an Asian leopard wildcat (ALC), Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis .
History and Origins
Bengal cats today come from Member States , although the ancestors of their wild from Asia . Name them breed was derived from the name of scientific Asia Cat Leopard (Asian Leopard Cat) , Felis bengalensis . It has no affiliation with known Bengal tiger's . Currently, he is a rare breedthat can be found in America and Europe .
Create breed Bengal began in 1963 , when Jean Sugden , a female geneticist, an American, in Yuma , Arizona, has bred a female of Asia Cat Leopard with a male domestic short-haired and black in hopes of combining the physical characteristics of cat wild leopard temperament friendly the domestic cat . Though Pairings of catsdomesticated and the wild produce usually only offspring infertile , females resulting from this cross were fertile. A female thus obtained , called Kinkin , was mated with her father and gave birth to a generation of kittens sofurry simple and with stains .

Bengali is a domestic cat , c e shows the characteristics of physical tiny Felis bengalensis or Asian leopard cat . A cat with the look " wild " and temperament lover as the domestic cat.
Cats Bengal have markings to look " wild : spots large , belly white , and a body structure that is reminiscent ofcat leopard.
Bengal Eza is elegant and very muscular . As a class is registered as the average high.
This breed is characterized by a small head compared to the rest of the body, the shape and rounded forehead and ears short. His eyes are large, oval, slightly almond shaped. The neck is thick, muscular, long and proportional to the rest of the body. Breed shows robust bone structure, not delicate, and one of the features is male muscular body.
Cats Bengal are extremely intelligent and will find all sorts of ways to communicate with their master . therefore it is very important to try to understand what is trying to say and not to punish her for making it to communicate. It is forbidden and completely ineffective to hit this cat because he does not understandpunishment physics . Rather , will see this as an action aggressive will destroy confidence and sense of security necessary for a good relationship .
Cats Bengal that are available for sale to the general public are cats fully domesticated . So do not worry if you are going to buy a Bengali: have a temperament gentle as any other domestic cat .
Bengalezele have a curiosity innate . they are explorers very passionate , which is due to intelligence special breed . 's why they are easy to train and there are plenty of tricks you can learn . A further aspect of thepersonality of their , a direct result of intelligence and curiosity, is that they are very confident in yourself . If you want something to ensure that they get . So do not worry if you find jars inverted or cabinets torn .
Bengalezele are cats very dynamic and active . A this Special is probably side remaining wild personality inthem . however they can be very affectionate and cute . But that pretty r it . This cat is always ready foradventure and will always be around when it happens something .
Often cats of this breed have an affinity for water . 's a trait very common , as a direct result of their origin wild .they are attracted to water and not you will be afraid to enter the water , in order to identify the source of it .Therefore Bengalezele can jump in showers or tubs , the kitchen sink and sometimes even playing with water in the toilet bowl .
Relationship with family
Cats Bengal develop an affinity for family members and require more attention . This affinity must return tenfold to this cat.
Bengal they love to talk : meow , howl and pull all sorts of sounds . So if you speak, will be happy to answer.them really like to spend time with family their . In this sense, are unique in Compared with other cats , which are often distant and independent . actually Bengalezele are very similar to dogs in terms of the character traits.

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