Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tibetan Mastiff / Mastiff of Tibet / Dog of Tibet / Tibetan Mastiff / Mastino Tibetano / Dogue Tibet

Country of registration: China
Height: males 64-69 cm, females 56-69 inches
Weight: Male 75-85 kg female 75-85 kg
Hair color: dark red, gold, black with brown spots and / or white

It is a very large and powerful dog with massive bone, courage and dignity. Recalls wild barking or
roaring lion. Square shaped body is well built, strong, not too tall leggy.
coat is long and rough around the neck and shoulders, legs slightly corrugated; fluff is rich, dense and soft.

is the offspring of dogs from Tibet, when we refer always told about the origin of most breeds of
dogs available today.
Inostanzewi He descended from Canis Familiaris and is a close relative of Egyptian and Sumerian Molossus.
has grown and developed in the valleys mountainous Himalayas. It is one of the oldest breeds in the East.
embroidery lamaserii prove that this dog has not changed for thousands of years.
Dogo Tibetan dog is the ancestor of most mountain and all the Doges in Europe.
2,000 years before our era was used as a fighting dog and guardian of prisoners of war.
On Babylonian reliefs, Egyptian and Greek are depicted dogs very similar to this dog:
dogs are the renowned fighting the Romans, Canis Pugnaces.
acclimated After the shores of the Mediterranean, permeated with Roman legions and peoples
of Asia, Europe. Of all dogs Dogo Tibetan and best kept its original appearance, ancestral.

This dog is strong, devoted master, suspicious and reserved, even dangerous to strangers.
has a coarse and brutal behavior. It is hard to train.
incorruptible guardian of herds in Himalayas region. Excellent guard the monasteries,
isolated households.

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