Thursday, July 18, 2013

13 animals which did not know that there

Sometimes life takes the strangest forms and often we do not find out. Most times we fail to notice, to inform or to pay attention to it and get to see the amazing creatures that live on Earth together. In fact, even if I have the time and resources, I still do not have the opportunity to meet with all known species. That is why we created this list of animals that not everyone knows and you do not have much chance to meet.Whether bizarre and behaviors that do not allow us to observe in freedom, whether endangered, each of the animals mentioned below have something unique and truly fascinating.

1 Babirusa

Babirusa part of the family Suidae (they belong and pigs) and can be found in the forests of Indonesia, specifically the islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula and Buru. Named and hog deer, Babirusa is best known for its spectacular tusks . In males, the upper canines grow up penetrating through the skin and curving back to front. And lower canines are quite developed and grow up. In contrast, among female canines missing or reduced in size. If males do not break their tusks, which can be done during daily activities, they will continue to grow until they will be hurt or will penetrate skull. Babirusa Because no rostral bone, he can not dig with the snout in the ground but mud. Because Babirusa is an omnivore, its diet includes leaves, nuts, fruits, roots and animal remains. Generally, males are solitary, unlike females with their offspring, can form groups of more than 80 individuals. In Indonesia , Babirusa's appearance has inspired folklore and fabricate masks that resemble demonic. Although hog deer is protected by law, poaching continues to threaten its existence.

2. Tattooed dwarf Argentine

If we exclude the tail, this animal has a length between 9 and 11.5 inches. Despite its fragile appearance, thanks to its large claws, he can bury in the ground in seconds. In fact, as a solitary nocturnal animal, he spends the most time in the ground, preferably near ant mounds to continuously receive food sources. Besides ants and larvae's diet also contains worms, snakes, roots and plants. tattooed dwarf is believed that Argentine is endangered, but scientists know so little about him that no one knows for sure what state is public.

Three. Fossa

Cryptoprocta ferox is a mammal endemic to Madagascar. In fact, Foss is the largest mammalian carnivore on the island. Males can reach a length of 70-80 cm and a weight of between 5.5 to 8.6 kg, being somewhat larger than females. than 50% of its diet consists of lemurs, primates endemic lizards, rodents or birds. Fossa is one of those animals that are active both day and night and not return to rest twice in the same place, except mother with cubs. Though the species is considered solitary, a publication of the 2009 report an unusual event: a group of three males cooperate to hunt a lemur and after divided capture prey. Fossele communicate using scent and sound or visual signals. They spin and produce cries when they feel threatened, and during mating (which usually takes place in trees) meow females and males emit a sound when they are specific partner. Moreover, using glands in the rear, they shall marking territory, stones and trees nearby. In addition, it was found that these animals communicate through body language and face, but scientists still conduct research in this area in order to unravel the mysteries behind this type of communication.

4 Gazelle-giraffe

This aspect of gazelle antelope amazes and delights everyone with her ​​large ears and eyes, and his long neck like giraffe. Its body is very large, the male has a length of 90-140 cm and a weight of 45-50 kg, while the female measuring about 80-100 cm long and weigh about 31 kg. It lives in arid in southern and central Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. Apart is how Litocranius Waller procure food. Specifically, to reach the leaves (usually the acacia) she stands on hind legs, taking the vertical position. gazelle On the other hand this seems to have no need of water being enough that it receives from plants they consume. Following this, amazing animal can survive in very dry environments.

5. Naked mole-rat

is a rodent Heterocephalus Glaber small (the size of a cup of coffee) originating in East Africa. Because he lacks fur and whiskers but we can say that sort of resembles a miniature walrus. these mammals live in large colonies, such as insects. Like the ants, several dozens of naked mole-rats live together in colonies and "worship" a queen, a dominant animal. As already suspected, but the Queen is carrying chickens, the rest of the members are workers digging vision with prominent teeth, ensuring food requirements (roots). Also, unlike the rest of the members of the colony, which weighed about 30-35 g, queen is larger and weighs more than 50 grams. In contrast, other types of mole-rats live in small groups, like families. Another interesting feature of these small mammals longevity. According to scientists, a naked mole-rat has an extremely long life, sometimes surviving for 28 years. Moreover, it appears that these living organisms are never affected by cancer.

6 Markham

Truly a spectacular appearance is that of Markham's, a family member splendid wild goats. Capra Falconeri is an animal that is less accessible mountainous areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. According to reports published by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the species is endangered. Now, it is speculated that in the wild there are only 2,500 mature individuals, but the population decreases from generation to generation by 20%. Having lived in small groups of about 3 members, they are more active early morning or late evening. In general, males are solitary except for mating periods.Their appearance is downright impressive and stunning them with spiral horns and Longhair in the chin, chest and tail. Moreover, Markham is the national animal of Pakistan and folklore claims that he can kill and consume a snake, although it is a herbivore (which sometimes go up in trees in order to eat more leaves). When he chewed and regurgitated food, removes his mouth as a foam substance that reaches the earth and dried.Locals looking for this foam reinforced the view that it can extract snake venom in wounds.

7. Monkeys of the genus Rhinopithecus

These monkeys are native to Asia, and the new species in this genus is Rhinopithecus Stryker, which in the local dialect is called "mey nwoah" meaning "monkey face up to the sky". When it rains, residents easily identified because they are monkeys head between your knees to not get drops of rain in the nose. If not dodge the rain it gets in your nose and makes them sneeze. monkeys Rhinopithecus like living in large groups of up to 600 members, and take their lives in trees. As for communication, they use specific sound signals they produce either individually or in chorus.

8. Mane wolf

wolf has a mane like that of a fox, but his legs are incredibly long helping him to see over tall grass prey in South America. As predators, they hunt mostly at night or early morning while they spend days and dozing in thickets. Unlike other wolves live in packs, wolves are solitary ridge. Even if the male and female share the same territory, they are independent of each other, the only exception occurring in the mating season. Though much of his diet consists of fruit (or fruit of his favorites being lobeira wolf, a relative of the tomato) wolf ridge and the birds will thank them when they come your way.

9 Red or Indian Muntiacul

This Asian omnivorous animal eats grass, fruits, seeds, eggs, and with small animals. Also, there are cases in which adopts a scavenger behavior. then when threatened or when they are in stressful situations that animal sounds like a barking issue. Sometimes these animals emit sounds, even for an hour, and even when the danger is gone. When it comes to their territory, males become very aggressive and fight each other using their horns and fangs.

10. Elaphodus Cephalophus or deer "fringed"

This animal which lives in central China and northeastern Burma is a small deer characterized by a "shock" to the top of the head and prominent large canines. A close relative of muniacului, deer "fringed" is vegetarian, consuming fruit and grass. animal is extremely shy and prefer to live in forests where they can hide easily. He is also solitary rare occasions when the observed pairs coexist. Despite its beauty, it has not been studied enough and not much is known about its behavior.
11. Centurio senex or wrinkles bat  

is a creature that lives in Central America. Studied in recent years scientists have a bat skull shape that allows him to have the strongest bite of all bat species. Although it weighs only 17 grams have a bite of the force is 20% stronger than any other bat species with similar size. Centurio senex bat skull is short and broad, its head and jaws intrigându them for a long time researchers have studied. It can be easily identified because his face devoid of fur and skin "wrinkled" is more pronounced for males than for females.
12. Pyuria chilensis

chilensis pyuria is a strange creature that lives on the Pacific coast of South America. The animal is completely immobile as a stone, and feeds by absorbing water from the filter microorganisms. At birth animal is a male for adulthood to become hermaphroditic. In general, reproduction is achieved by releasing sperm and eggs into the surrounding water, where fertilization occurs. However, when you are with other individuals of the same species, the animals prefer to adopt cross-fertilization, self-fertilization process much more efficient than.
13. Patagonian Mara


As the Great Mara or rabbit / pig of Patagonia, this rodent-like rabbit lives in central Argentina. These herbivores live in monogamous doarte large groups of up to 70 members, this thriving away from predators.

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