Friday, July 19, 2013

The rabbit as a pet

Rabbits by nature are timid animals , they immediately flee at the slightest sign of distress or moving too fast. But through proper growth can overcome this small obstacle, and rabbit  become your best friend. If you are close to the rabbit and give your whole time he will know that your love has no reason to fear from you and so he will not seperate you, and you will be very close or not close, known cases in which rabbits behave exactly as if they were puppies  how to move once their owners, and the like alintandu kittens and asking to be caressed. Most importantly when you have a pet  is to give him all the love and treat him like a baby, because after all that is a baby.

Food recommended for rabbits

        Rabbits , like any other pet , they need love, but our attention.rabbits growth mode is no different from raising other anime company , feeding rabbits should be adequate, rabbits must have a litter clean space motion, regular vet checks and vaccinations However to be able to develop harmoniously and had no health problems.  feed rabbits ideal is and will be grass. Since not all the time not to offer to find green grass , it is recommended to be given and fan, fan is a source of protein and fiber helps to have a dentition and a good digestion , crunching his offers and occupation , without which they could be bored, and we know even from many people talking crap can happen when we are bored.Even if you choose special food for rabbits , you still have to make sure you have plenty of fan. Besides grass and hay in the rabbit diet should be included and greens, vegetables and fruits but as an idea to make your diet rabbit should be included: carrots, cauliflower leaves, clover, cabbage, lettuce, capsicum, celery, apples, pears, etc..
Warning: Any food provided new rabbit for it to be given the right to obijnuiasca with him, another tip to be taken into account is that it is recommended not to put them too many kinds of vegetables at the same time, and still no large amounts of same type.
A food forbidden rabbits raw potato is because for them it is a toxic food.
        It is recommended that you do not give them all your rabbit eats it too, here we refer only to sweets,rabbit as well as other pets adore them, but sweets (cookies, chocolate, candy, etc.). sugary , sugar is dangerous in two ways for rabbits , first will gain a thing that is not very good, but also will attack the teeth.
       Rabbits should always have fresh water , so be very careful to accomplish this. rabbits that feed mainly on plant consume less water while those that eat more dry food (as is corn) consuming more water.In either case you find yourself rabbit should not be your to lack water .

Teething rabbits and why they chew all the time

        If you would be to say the first thing that comes to mind characteristic ofrabbits it would be that they like to nibble. Rabbits chew so not for love but to her teeth Heels. An interesting aspect of dentition rabbits is that their teeth grow continuously which is why it is trying to blunt and need to chew almost constantly. To avoid problems due rabbits with things around the house like sons, furniture, cables, clothes, shoes, you have to give the rabbit something to her blunt teeth . The best solution for this would be the bark of the tree, but you can improvise with other objects, for example you can put them a piece of wood between the bars of the cage , but beware of its thickness when it gets too thin, you have to change because risk that rabbit to hurt because of her.

Rabbit cage and space motion

        Rabbits do not like small spaces , becoming stressed, do not forget that though they are domesticated so where they come from nature unbounded cage , so you must give them a cage roomy enough and why not, let him go through the house to have more freedom if you have a balcony (no holes in the side) in summer you can free yourself for longer periods in it when the rabbit is in the house is very important to watch even if you stay in one locus either in bed or in another place, because it would be that in the time it wants to cut a little teeth and as evidence could create a new model in bed or other things that should be around the rabbit , so all in all great attention.
 cage for rabbits       In their cage is recommended to regainsawdust all over the bottom of it with many roles, primarily keep them warm and can cuibarii in it and, even more important than that is absorbent rabbit urine , so it is very important as sawdust to be replaced periodically, if you keep it too much it will give off a strong and unpleasant odor, plus rabbitslike to stay in clean and so offer it to you too.
        If you live in the house and yard, the rabbit will feel better in a large cage made ​​of mesh (careful if you have dogs or other predatory animals because they might break place to get to rabbit ) where they let him out is warm. In summer, the rabbit can stay outside all day long as well but be careful not to leave it when the sun is very powerful because it can hurt.This freedom will make him very happy and he will romp and play at will through the grass, depending on how close you are, when it comes time to get back in the house's locusorul there are two possibilities, either you have a bunny who listening and immediately let him in my arms and take him to the place, be it running all over the yard to catch him, remember the difference between a run and came in my arms is just how you obijnuit and love that you gave a rabbit  you.
Rabbit fur
        Their coat should be brushed once a day or every other day, with a soft brush or a special glove. In this way, remove fallen nature, we can handle the most intricate, but you can see a gradual appearance of coat or skin changes that may herald a disease.
baby rabbit        And remember, rabbits need of your love . Patting them and play with them every day, even a few minutes. If the rabbit is deprived of affection and attention that you can get sick or suffer behavioral pote.However if you spend a few minutes with rabbit your have nothing to lose, on the contrary you will relax and you with him.

Rabbits can scratch

        One of their flaws is that rabbits scratch , not easy, but sometimes can scratch worse than a cat , usually do so when taking the ears (this is how you properly take a rabbit , ears settle agestora base with one hand). It is recommended that you not allow small children to hold in my arms because it can scratch without warning, they may as well pat easier if the rabbit is kept from you. nails rabbit can be cut with a nail, you can do this regularly, but be careful when you do, because they enjoy it and how it will move operation is possible that one of you or both of you hurt, so rabbit angular cutting must be done with great care .

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