Friday, July 19, 2013

Bichon Bolognese

Bichon Bolognese
Friendship with other dogs
Friendship with strangers
Energy Statistics Bichon Bolognese dog breedActivity Stats Bichon Bolognese dog breedBichon Bolognese dog breed disease statisticsStatistics friendly with other dogs Bichon BologneseStatistics friendship with strangers Bichon Bolognese dog breedStatistics training Bichon Bolognese dog breedStatistics guard dog breed Bichon BologneseStatistics protection Bichon Bolognese dog breedBichon Bolognese dog breed care statistics
    Origin Italy
    Height 25.0 - 30.0 cm
    Weight 3.0 - 4.0 kg
    Breed History Bichon is an old type, originally called Bichon is cosiderat some Italian and a variety of Bichon Frise.As it was brought by sailors in the fifteenth century and developed more frequently in the region of Bologna, where she comes from the name. Because of his beauty and grace was greatly appreciated especially in the royal courts of Italy, Spain and Russia. Catherine de Medicis, Catherine I, wife of Peter the Great, Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria had as companion dogs. Many paintings of the Renaissance in France, Italy and Spain are very similar with Bolognese dogs.
    Description It is a small dog, toy, as it is called, with a compact body, a little longer than tall. The head is suitable for long, skull broad and slightly arched and looks very spaced ears because larger than it is. The eyes are round, big and dark. Ears long, set high hanging over your head and are covered with long hair in clumps. At the base, the ear is less rigid so that its upper left side skull slightly away from giving an apparent head width. The coat has long hair, slightly away from the body, soft, woolly, in rich clumps, shorter on the muzzle and is always white.
    Personality It is an intelligent, graceful, delicate, gentle, quiet, cheerful. It is obedient, affectionate and devoted to its master, gets along well with children, but is vigilant and cautious with strangers. It gets along well with other dogs and other animals.
    Care The coat needs daily brushing and combing to not break, especially on the abdomen, behind the ears, the area between the legs. No shedding, dead hair is removed by brushing. Increased need to remove excess hair between the pads of the feet and ears. The coat will be washed regularly to keep it white and clean.
    Living It feels good especially in an apartment next to a loving owner. It is recommended for people who have time to care for your dog, its coat being pretentious. It has a moderate level of activity, but dislikes long walks. He needs socialization and training.
    Fitness With a consistent and gentle training can painlessly get the desired results because it is an intelligent, eager to please his master and therefore easily understand what is required.
    Utility is a fun and loyal companion.

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