Sunday, July 14, 2013

General information about horses

Some experts have spread the idea that the first domestic horses were 10,000 years ago. During this period the animals Darzi and energy have been used to transport people and goods, and sometimes for food. Once domesticated horses were bred to yield paths with certain characteristics and abilities.Depending on the breed, behavior and characteristic features vary from one horse horses sedate, calm, depressed by one smart, sharp and decisive.
Horses are intelligent animals that can be trained to be submissive and to perform certain commands if trained in that sense. Those who have some experience in riding or horse-breeding can confirm that they can be quite stubborn. Horses require special attention and care, they must learn to trust one who cares for him. The horses that are neglected or not properly cared for can become wild and unruly, even dangerous to the people around them.
General information about caring for horses
- Primarily horses need special care and attention. Before buying a horse inform yourself about debts that they will have for him
- Horses need food and water ad libitum
- Horses hooves need special attention about every 6-8 weeks
- The horse must be taken to the vet annually for control
- Horses need regular exercise
- Horses need protection against the vagaries of nature. I have to make a shelter against the rain, cold, wind and possibly heat
- Horses should be wormed about once every 6-8 weeks
- Consult your veterinarian to choose the best solution

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