Friday, July 19, 2013

Undiscovered mysteries of animal life

Sometimes, watching wild animals of the world, we wonder how complex and at the same time is amazing fauna of our planet. Nature has created an incredible variety of species of creatures, and gave each of them wonderful qualities. Despite the fact that man split the atom, cloning method developed and researched space, however failed to reveal to the end rainforest and explore the underwater world was made, at best, only half.

This article will be devoted to the presentation of facts unique about animals studied or still unknown. Many scientists: naturalists, chemists, doctors and even more soldiers would find the answer to the mysteries of the animal world. For example, the octopus, an invertebrate creatures, by what is special? But this animal is not as simple as it seems, primarily because of the lack of bones, this creature can go anywhere, even in the smallest holes, and secondly, she possesses extraordinary intelligence and cunning. Next - interesting, because the unique structure of the skin, the octopus can change the color and texture of his body, some species are considered the most poisonous animal in the world, and finally, the most incredible - an octopus can regenerate lost limbs. Regarding the ability to change color, scientists have revealed this capability by examining different pigment cells, which under the influence of impulses from the central nervous system are able to lie down or to restrict, but that as octopuses can regenerate limbs bitten by other predators, scientists still can not understand this process. course, not everyone can search the octopus, but the bear you can see at the zoo or circus. It seemed to know everything about his behavior: Summer walks through the woods and eat everything, and winter sleeping in his den. But how can bear to stand for six months of the year without eating, drinking or going to the toilet, scientists can not explain. Tatu - a peaceful animal, which feeds harmless insects, larvae and ants . His appearance has not changed since the time of dinosaurs. At first sight nothing special, but the female armadillo has a unique ability in stressful situations, it may postpone up to two years. I do not know if one will ever be able to repeat the experience of this prehistoric animal. Spiders also are among the oldest inhabitants of the planet, inspiring fear for half the human population. By the way, for fear of arachnophobia, is shown at a distance of one meter from each of us is always a spider. American soldiers were interested in the spider's web, because they wanted to get this substance artificially. The structure of the substance secreted by the glands of spider silk is five times stronger than steel! For many years the military have cooperated with many laboratories, using the best scientists to discover its mysteries, but failed to discover this mystery even to nowadays. already ridiculous, but humanity still does not know if zebra is black with white stripes or white with black stripes. Or purring cats - scientists want to discover this mystery already several decades. They found that cats do these sounds with the neck muscles, but how they do it, nobody knows. Of course, these findings do not have scientific value, but still remain unknown. nature is wise and often unpredictable. Billions of years it create, correct and improve. Will we be able to discover all its mysteries, it can not perceive the purpose of its creator created? Or maybe not worth doing this?

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