Friday, July 19, 2013

Top 6 animals that mate for life

However, there are a few species that mate and stay together for life, proving a fidelity that quite often go to the taking of loneliness, in case the animal dies partner. 1. Gibbon gibbons, the closest relatives of the man who mate for life, forming highly welded couples, shown by the fact that sexual dimorphism in this species is almost nonexistent. Yet recent research has revealed that, in some cases, gibbons they "betray" their partners and even leave them to form couples with other females. 2. Albatrosses Although not the only birds that mate for life, albatrosses can boast a rare patience and perseverance. In fact, blue chicks get valuable lessons from more experienced albatrosses, which teaches how to conquer their future partner through a ritual of courtship complex.Once you have mastered the "technical", albatrosses can woo more females to decide as have found the perfect partner. But once it was identified, make a couple for life. 3. Swans Swans form, in turn, pairs for life ... but not when, for example, the couple - sometimes even with old - can not produce offspring. Recent studies have revealed, so that even the longest swan couples can reach the "divorce" in case the practical problems involved, the importance of going beyond the sentimental ... 4. Wolves Wolves are mammals that make up one of the strongest family nuclei in the animal kingdom! Besides the fact that males choose their life partners, wolf alpha pack leader always has with him ... an alpha female! Their responsibilities are shared equitably, both partners having the chance to play the dominant partner in the relationship. For example, during mating, the female wolf who was at the helm of the family, as she is dealing with the little wolves nourishes and protects, ensuring perpetuation of the species. 5. Beavers Beavers are not loyal to their partners only animals, but also devoted parents! Specifically, parental responsibilities are shared equitably couple of beavers in both the female and male getting actively involved in raising the children. they reach the age of 2 years, the young beavers start looking for love, find partner / partner and founded families life, still showing protective behavior and loving that I have learned from parents-beaver. 6. Scincidele the corner snipped snipped Scincidele tail (Tiliqua rugosa), lizards native to the Australian continent are monogamous and very determined animals that once females identify suitable spare no effort to turn them into their partners for life. thus the Once the male scincida finds perfect partner begins to woo her, always stand around him, pushing it slightly to muzzle. And courtship ritual can keep for months! However, once the couple formed the partners will seek and select each breeding season to produce offspring. If one of scincide dies, the surviving lizard remains near the corpse partner for days ...

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