Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernardu is a breed that originated in the Swiss Alps where they were used to guard flocks and gospodariile.In 1700, became the most famous Alpine breed because they were smart, strong, and a highly developed sense of direction, which is why they were used by the monks of the home search and rescue passengers who remained snowed or wandering Alpi.Caminul Saint Bernard, built by Archdeacon Bernard de Menthon in 1050 BC. AD, was used to provide shelter people traveling through the Alps.Monks from home using dogs not only for finding and saving missing persons, but also on a cold winters and nefregventate.Calitatile good and intelligent savior but given that when he found a person wandering through the mountains, the dog did all they could to keep him alive: they long to warm up next to him and then he licked the girl holding it consciously.
The name comes from Saint Bernard mountain pass of the same name. There that Barry lived and transient, the most famous member of the race, which is considered the national dog of Switzerland, as he saved 40 people during 1800-1812.
By 1800, when Saint Bernard (known as the Hospice Dog) was endangered because their health deteriorated very quickly, monks have decided to breed and breeds: Pyrenean Shepherd, Dog German and Newfoundland rasei.Asa necessary to provide resistance appeared first longhaired Saint Bernard. He was as smart, agile and strong, with the same skills and instincts needed to save people, but because long hair is snow and ice stuck to it, failing to never end rescue operation because their movements were then limitate.De Saint Bernard with long hair, has not been used by monks to save.Company makes gifts for friends.
On March 15, 1884 was established in Basel, the Swiss Saint Bernard Club, and also in that year Saint Bernard breed was first entered into the Swiss Stud Book.
Appearance and dimensions
Saint Bernard is a large dog, massive, powerful, vigorous, who manages to impress with its impressive strength and stature.
The body is muscular, well developed chest, broad back, solid body, wide tail is long and bushy carried slightly upwards, muscular limbs, strong neck, large paws.
Saint Bernard's head is round, solid, strong, quadratic and wide nose, strong jaw and nose black. Rounded ears are small to medium in size and are placed on top of the head.The eyes are brown to dark brown and have a medium size and the look is keen, intelligent, serious and kind.
Depending on the size coat Saint Bernard can be of two types: long hair or short hair.Those with long hair has a silky coat and a little wave and the short-haired rough coat, but both versions have double coat and thick, designed to protect them from the cold.The coat color can be red, orange, black or brown, but always in combination with white.
Saint Bernard may have a weight of about 50-95 kg and height can vary between 60-70 cm.
Despite the fact that it is a massive and powerful dog, Saint Bernard has a great temperament: is intelligent, affectionate, friendly, sensitive, calm and devoted master and quite kind to strangers.
I am crazy about children, loves to play with them and are not bothered by their mischief or small animals in the yard.
Having a well developed protective instinct and a very fine sense of smell, being able to detect a man a few feet under the snow, Saint Bernard was used in the past to save travel in Alps avalanche and cold.
Saint Bernard is easy to train because it is very intelligent, sociable, docile and eager to please its master.
Training in these dogs should be done at an early age with a calm and friendly, by a master of gentle but also firm.
Family Relations
Saint Bernard is a great family dog ​​is faithful, obedient and loyal to its owner and family that you love them and defend them when they are in danger even with their lives.
They are very good as pet dogs especially for families with small children because they are patient, gentle, loving and very playful with children who appear as a real babysitter.
Although it is quite slow in movement and very caring with children, Saint Bernard should be supervised when playing with the children due to his imposing height and weight.
Eating Dog Saint Bernard
Puppies should be fed 3-4 times per day and increase by more than 2 times per day. If you want to keep healthy it is better not fat.
To feed the food contains trade account everything he needs (minerals, vitamins). It is not advisable to feed them raw meat, much less pork.
Living .
Saint Bernard Dogs are not bitterly cold winter on the contrary loves to lie down on snow or ice.
There are nearly inactive inside so it would be very delighted if you've put in dispuzitie however small yard where they can move freely.
And can accommodate a large apartment if the owner has enough time to remove the plimbarilungi and frequent.
These dogs do not tolerate confined spaces especially high heat and humidity so you must Surveillance for them and provide them with plenty of shade and cool water in the summer months when the temperature is very high because it can make heat shock.
If you want an excellent guard dog, Saint Bernard is not the best choice because it is not aggressive. He manages to scare foreigners DOA
r by imposing stature and with a very strong barking.
If you want to buy a Saint Bernard would be good to take it when young. Check all vaccines have made and a health card. Until more is necessary to increase vaccinated him more often, but after a single vaccination is sufficient per year.
Whether you have long hair or Saint Bernard Saint Bernard with short hair need care both blanii.Trebuie brushed daily with a brush bristles and washed almost every day, to keep it curat.Ochii must check periodically clean as excessive tears.
Once every 3-4 months is recommended to make a parasite inside him as he walked through the yard and can get more worms.
Having a thick fur sure to control it, to check if it has parasites.
He needs that have to move it daily walk through areas where they can run without a leash.
In the summer months when the temperature is high, it must be monitored because it can heat shock.
Diseases and conditions
- Gastric torsion - to avoid this disease is preferable to feed him 2-3 times a day with smaller quantities, not once, and more;
- Hip dysplasia - is a malformation of the joint;
- Epilepsy - can occur between the ages of 2 and 5 years.
- Entropion - is a disease of the eyelid.
- Heart disease.
- Lung cancer.
- Heat shock (overheating)
- Arthritis.
Life Expectancy
A Saint Bernard can live between 8-10 years.
Saint Bernard Dogs entered in the record books three times:
A Saint Bernard has a weight of 138 kg becoming the hardest dog in the world.
Another Saint Bernard managed to travel an area of ​​5 meters in just 90 seconds harnessed to a cart weighing 2900 kg
The Saint Bernard who came third in the record books was a bitch who gave birth to 23 puppies one calving, all living.
Usually a bitch to put in a maximum of 12 calving.
Saint_Bernard_11  Saint_Bernard_09

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