Monday, July 15, 2013


Origin: change ]

Dalmatian Coast (Slovenia is the country that registered breed)

Height: change ]

46-61 cm
Dalmatians are dogs still unclear origin, but with considerable seniority. Dogs very similar in physically found in carvings on the monuments of Egypt, they were caught in a position companions chariots. Also, some frescoes from ancient Greek cities scattered in the southeast Mediterranean render accurate images of these dogs. Specialists supports the theory that dogs Dalmatian breed arrived in Europe from Egypt, through the Middle East and the current territory of Turkey.
Dalmatian black front.jpg

Weight: change ]

22 to 29 kg

Lifetime: change ]

10-13 years

Race History: change ]

Ancestors of these dogs and have appeared on the Dalmatian coast (Adriatic Sea) with the development of the first Greek colonies. Documents dated 1374 describes dogs as inhabiting the city of Dubrovnik, where they were used for hunting, for pointers. There is another theory that Dalmatian from crossing that took place between a race called Istrian and Bull Terrier Pointer and the origin of the breed should be removed Brace Bengal. Dogs of this breed was finally developed and brought to the current standard in England in the early nineteenth century. In English society they were used mainly as companions carriages (poştalioanelor, with the assignment to guard passengers' luggage during stopovers), and dog-mascot for firemen, circus dogs and even dogs in military service. From th
e beginning these dogs were able to develop a special relationship with horses who still have an affinity for hard to explain.

Physical Description: change ]

Dalmatian is a strong dog with athletic and muscular body. Coat short and dense, adherent to body the characteristic white color sprinkled with black spots, round, small, randomly placed all over the body. Sometimes the spots are brown or brown. Puppies do not have specific spots at birth, they are pure white. The head is well designed, with broad forehead, Stop well pronounced and eyes medium size, almond shaped and colored brown or blue. The ears are triangular, with the tip touching the mid cheek. Large nose is the same color as the spots. Facial expression suggests sincerity and loyalty. The neck is short and strong, broad chest with well illustrated muscles, the legs are long and slender. Body movement is smooth, harmonious and it stands out as a good long-distance runner. The tail is thin, medium length, tapered and wrapped in short hair. It is worn above the slightly curved back.

Personality: change ]

Dalmatians are dogs lively, energetic, full of energy, very protective to master and adoptive family members. I am very fidgety and set the stage junior wife, was a lot to handle in the first 2 years of life. Despite the medium waist exudes force and power and makes its presence known with a very audible barking. Despite its very elegant, full of nobility, are rustic dog that adapts easily to a wide variety of conditions and are not picky. I am very physically active, needing a lot of movement. Do not accept the first contact aliens, but quickly decide that person enjoys, and convincing showing affection. These dogs are very good memory, fail to recognize a person (pleasant or nasty) even after years. They stubbornly high dose is required corrected and kept under control as much as possible. In some cases males may denote accents aggressive, dominant and IRAs manifested in the presence of other male dogs.

Care and disease susceptibility: change ]

Thin coat is not sufficiently protect against cold, which supports the theory that race was born and developed initially in milder climates. In addition, these dogs shed fairly consistent throughout the year. Numerous copies have scaly skin that dries easily and fall off, causing a heavy dandruff, especially during the winter months when the air humidity is lower. Dalmatian ears are thin and poorly vascularized, so the cold winters they can freeze easily. A high percentage of Dalmatians (10-12%) suffer from deafness (unilateral or bilateral), mostly due to white coloring. Other breed specific disorders: renal complications (kidney stones), skin allergies, alopecia, tendency towards obesity.

Living: change ]

They are well adjusted dogs living outdoors during the warmer seasons, winter need special thermal protection so that you get the house (very cold nights) or receive a cage well protected against the cold, not to get sick . Can be educated and mostly live indoors if they have the proper training and a rich and varied program moving. It will adapt to the conditions in the apartment because they are male, but in principle not suitable for such an environment.

Dressage: change ]

The Dalmatian is an intelligent dog that learns quickly, but needs repetition and insistence in Obedience training area. They will not respond well to harsh training methods or punishment, this behavior escalating their native stubbornness. Learn lightweight fun games and exercises, which must be inserted in the program of training for faster results and more lasting. Although it performs well in relation to children should be supervised in the presence of younger children to showing dominant and that can easily hurt because of energetic nature and consistent preference for physical interactions.

Utility: change ]

Can be successfully trained to perform search and rescue missions and sometimes can be seen in the circus arena where performing satisfactorily executing tricks and fun exercises. The United States are used as service dogs by the Metropolitan Police. They are also useful as guard dogs.

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