Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to train your dog to obey the command "sit"

Dresandu your dog, he earned the respect and trust more easily, and your relationship can become more powerful. Of all the commands "sit" is the most common and perhaps most important of education the dog. Starting with this command training will prepare you for learning other commands such as "down", "Walking" or "Wait".

Remember that before starting the sessions, the dog must already be accustomed and familiar to you. If you've just adopted would be good to give him a little time before you start training. Otherwise, it will not be as attentive and responsive.

January.  When you decided to start training, do not forget to take along some snacks to give them as a reward. before training, let him be his little hungry. In this way you learn faster ordering.
2.  Sit down in front of your dog for it to focus all the attention on you.
Three.  Take a reward and keep it in front of his nose, but be careful, however, did not take the hand too early.  With a calm voice said softly name, then give the command "sit".
While slowly moving the reward in hand so as to reach overhead. If your dog does not sit, with the other hand press it gently on the side of the tail, to show him what to do.
April.  reward Continue to keep near his nose. If you lift too high, the puppy will jump to reach it.
May.  soon as the dog sat down, praise him and give him the reward. Every time sits still give him a reward. After you give rewards you can caress and spoil, because otherwise you may get out of position.
June.  repeated daily for 5-10 minutes. Continue to give your rewards until you learn to obey order, every time you tell. When you're sure to learn to respond to command, give occasional rewards.

If they refuse to sit in the "sit", do not give him the reward. Try again following the same steps until the dog will listen. If any these give will not stay, discontinue training to resume them later or the next day.


Training sessions would be good to take place in different locations: at home, in the park, on the street etc. to learn to respond to it, wherever they are.

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