Thursday, July 18, 2013

CUTE ponies

FalabellaFalabella breed is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Developed Falabella miniature horse family that bears his name. These horses were born following a selective breeding program and benefited from a policy of breeding intituita Falabella family. To obtain these miniature horses, the family began crossbreeding with the smallest Shetland ponies and the smallest stallions Thorougbred. The smallest specimens from these crosses were then mated together, achieving a reproducing dworfism intensive. Because of this mating to reduce stature often were affected and violin conformation, some horses being born with deformities, with heads too big and too little vigorous feet. Breeders aim was to produce a near-perfect miniature horse, to be equal in scale and character.

Falabella looks like a miniature version of Shetland ponies, but has stronger legs. The best examples of Falabella have most of the time, the best features of Shetland ponies. These little ones are friendly ponies and have a very good temperament, ideal as pets. Ideal height Falabella breed of horse is 76 cm at maturity.Currently, Falabella breed is probably the most famous B miniature horse breed and is found spread across the world, especially in USA.

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