Friday, July 19, 2013

Binti Jua, the gorilla protection of children

People rescued animals - zoo-altruism
At Brookfield Zoo, near Chicago, USA, one day in the summer of 1996, a three year old boy fell on the concrete parapet of the enclosure that housed the group of gorillas and remained motionless at the foot of the wall.
One of the massive primate - an 8-year-old female named Binti Jua - approached at high and avoiding close it curious the other gorillas and brought near a gates and kept with it for several minutes until caregivers entered the building and took him with them.
Filmed by an amateur pictures huge monkey clutching a young man until help arrives , have been viewed hundreds of thousands of people who have asked - for the umpteenth time? - How common are these behaviors that the anthropocentric view in the category of "altruism", although originally the concept was intended to describe the behavior of ajutorarare peers - members of the same species.
Along with the vast collection of horror stories about animals ferocious attacks on human beings, sitting collection - as impressive - the elatari of cases where animals rushed to the aid of people, saving them from disfigurement or death.

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