Thursday, July 18, 2013

About Persian cat: simple steps for a healthier cat

       The most common pets, with dogs in Romania include cats. Although dogs are the first pet cats follow them closely. Unlike a dog, cat stapanaului the chance to run through the park together and do not make you throw the ball, but offers other rewards: stapanaului nestles near the head every night, purring next to your ear to wake him and caress like no other.
Persian cat
Persian cat
        But precisely because of its main features, a Persian cat requires special attention, both coat and overall health.If you or you want a Persian cat, keep in mind that it leaves hair all over the house and it requires special care: daily combing. Otherwise there is a risk that the cat to make the hair knots to be removed by trimming. Eyes, and they require special attention: cleaning with boiling water or saline at room temperature is indicated by at least 2-3 times a week. Great care at ochisorilor secretions, if you notice changes color from cleaning to another rapidly consult a veterinarian. Unghiutele very well be cut every 4-6 weeks to avoid cat furniture to ruin the house in her desire to sharpen their gherutele; ears are another point that requires attention: to be warm and clean. You can clean them with sticks but carefully so as not to hurt them, while if the cat is disturbed when a clean or secretions and dirt in the ears is necessary to go to the doctor because it can introduce infection.
        From a medical standpoint, the PKD (polycystic kidney) is the main Persian cats disorder and affects about 40% -42% of Persian cats, a set of tests is more than recommended from time to time to detect the for any condition.
        Persian, more than any other breed is very possessive, jealous and full of it, it's just the owner or by going to them and will not go to another cat in her arms in her presence.
        Finally, if elegeti a cat as a pet, definitely the first concern will be how to call it, some people choosenames for cats that characterizes pufosenii: pods, nose or name inspired by cartoons.
        Whichever breed name piscii, remember that the cat is an animal that needs attention and proper care.

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